Saint Barnabas Parish School

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LA County Guidance for Early Care and Education Providers

Please see the attached document for our reopening plans in compliance with the health orders from LA County.

SBS is re-opening for in person instruction!

I am happy to announce that SBS will be re-opening for T-K through 8th grades after Easter Vacation on April 13th!

T-K and Kinder will have orientation on Monday, March 29th. 1st and 2nd will come in on Tuesday, March 30th. 3rd, 4th, and 5th would come in on Wednesday, March 31st. 6th, 7th, and 8th will come in on Thursday, April 1st… (best April Fool’s Day EVER!) The orientation days are from 7:50am to Noon each day. The students will bring in their school supplies, get used to social distancing on campus, submit their school devices for cleaning during vacation, and get out the door safely. We will need to test drop-off and pick-up procedures to make sure we are not blocking traffic for the community. We need to test our health screening process for the kids to make sure everyone is safe. We need to practice mask usage and 6ft distancing… for obvious reasons.

After our orientations are complete, we will break for Easter Vacation (we are out at noon on 04/01/21 and return on TUESDAY, 04/13/21 at 7:50am). We will be ready for re-opening on the 13th! 

The students who are electing to remain at home for the school year are very important to us too! We are investing in large screen TVs and projectors to make your students more visible in the classroom. The students at home will be able to interact with the teacher and their classmates via zoom. In regards to the orientation days listed above, at home learners will be able to zoom into the class for lessons, and then take their breaks when the on-campus students are training with procedures. 

With much JOY,

Mrs. Kellam

STEM Grant from Toshiba America Foundation

SBS received a STEM grant from Toshiba America Foundation that will help purchase the educational technology BrainPOP for the school.

St. Barnabas is pleased to announce it has received a $2,950.00 STEM grant from the Toshiba America Foundation (TAF). These funds will help purchase the educational technology BrainPOP for the school. The funds acquired will allow us to purchase a school license for BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. These programs have animated videos, activities, and games that align with all content standards. BrainPOP will provide additional resource to help teachers, engage students, and enhance learning for grades TK through 8th.

“St. Barnabas School is grateful for the opportunity to partner with Toshiba in bringing BrainPop to our students and families. The dynamic and educational lessons will support and enhance our existing curriculum. It is exciting to see the students so engaged in their learning!” – Mrs. Kellam, Principal

Thank you Toshiba America Foundation!

Virtual Open House

Looking for our virtual open house? Feel free to come on by here:

St. Barnabas Virtual Open House

COVID-19 School Checklist

You can find the school’s COVID-19 Guidance checklist at the link below:

SBS Student in Action

SBS Student in action for the community.

Support St. Barnabas

St. Barnabas School (SBS) is a special place where students from pre-school through 8th grade are encouraged to learn and achieve through rigorous academics and heartfelt service to the community. Thoughtful teaching practices and personalized attention for every child mean that SBS graduates will be successful as they move onto high school and beyond.

SBS has been cultivating the next generation of leaders in Long Beach for over 70 years, by underscoring charitable service as much as academic achievement.  SBS believes that children who are taught to make the community a better place, will grow to be caring, moral human beings.  Through various school activities, SBS students lead at least six annual charitable initiatives, inspiring them to model Catholic values in their daily lives.

Your support of SBS is vital as it allows for capital improvements to the school, which might not otherwise be possible. Donations to the school can be made here:

Thank you for your generous support!

School Closed for 2019/20 year.

Due to the current situation, all ADLA schools will remain shuttered for the duration of the 2019-2020 school year. Distance Learning will continue for SBS students through June 5th (May 28th for the 8th graders).

We are now projecting a “back-in” date of August 17th as the start of the next school year.

If you have any questions please contact the School Office.

500 Minutes of Service

Remember whenever you’re in a position to help someone, be glad and always do it… because that’s God answering someone else’s prayer through you. St. Barnabas students participated in “500 Minutes of Service” as a school. The grades worked together to assist with a number of local and international charities.

  • Preschool collected $259.48 to send to the World Wildlife Foundation, Australia to “help the kangaroos get food,” and to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Australia to help the displaced families.
  • 2nd and 5th grades made 57 cards/letters/pictures for senior citizens at Bixby Knolls Towers, and 8 blankets for the homeless.
  • Kinder and 8th grades made Valentine cards for Miller’s Children’s Hospital, Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital in Baltimore, and Georgetown Children’s Hospital in Washington DC. They also made 3 prayer blankets for families in need of blessings.
  • 1st and 7th grades had a Jump-A-Thon to benefit the Fund for the Retired Religious. Total to date is $600.00.. wow!
  • 3rd and 6th grades made 136 sack lunches (peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cutie orange, and a granola bar) for Long Beach Rescue Mission. Each lunch had a nice handmade message of kindness.
  • T-K and 4th grades made 100 sock kits of toiletries (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, etc.) for Long Beach Rescue Mission!

Our school is following the advice of Pope Francis. In a message to young men and women around the world he said that by helping those who are suffering, you can find “…a strength that can change the world. It is a revolution that can overturn the powerful forces at work in our world. It is the ‘revolution’ of service,

St. Barnabas Volunteers

Across Long Beach volunteers pitched in on Martin Luther King Day, a ‘A day on, not a day off’, volunteering for a score of projects, including several in the Bixby Knolls area.

St. Barnabas students participated in painting a mural featuring the Statue of Liberty on a the side of a law office on Atlantic. St. Barnabas 7th graders Julia Gisel, Remy Hutton, Lucky Pascarella, Brianna Montano and Sofia Lira as well as a number of other students chipped in and their efforts were noticed by the Long Beach Post, read their story and see more photos here.